Past Webinars

August 16 at 12pm CT

Survey Readiness for Skilled Nursing Facilities

This webinar is tailored specifically to Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) seeking to enhance their survey readiness and address common deficiencies. Regulatory requirements related to these deficiencies as cited in the State Operations Manual Appendix PP will be reviewed. Practical insights and actionable strategies will be provided to help SNF administrators, directors of nursing, and compliance officers navigate the complex landscape of regulatory compliance effectively.

July 26 at 12pm CT

Survey Readiness for Critical Access Hospitals Clinical Departments

The webinar will focus on continuous survey readiness for clinical departments including cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary (respiratory therapy), laboratory, nursing, medical imaging, pharmacy, outpatient infusion, and rehabilitation. The regulatory requirements in the State Operations Manual Appendix W will be reviewed as well as applicable standards in Appendix V (Responsibilities of Medicare Participating Hospitals in Emergency Cases).

June 21 at 12pm CT

Survey Readiness for Rural Health Clinics and Hospital Based Physician Clinics

The webinar will focus on continuous survey readiness for Rural Health Clinics and hospital-based physician clinics. The regulatory requirements in the State Operations Manual Appendix G will be reviewed as well as applicable standards in Appendix W (Critical Access Hospitals), Appendix Z (Emergency Preparedness) and Appendix V (Responsibilities of Medicare Participating Hospitals in Emergency Cases).

May 22 at 12pm CT

Career Ladders: Turning talk into action - How to retain your talent

HealthTech will lead a discussion regarding the successful implementation and sustainability of a multi-specialty career ladder program.

April 26 2024 at 12pm CT

Adaptive leadership in a changing environment

Adaptive leaders possess a set of qualities that enable them to navigate and lead effectively in the face of constant change and uncertainty. These leaders not only embrace change but also guide their teams through it, fostering resilience and maintaining focus on organizational goals. Join us for this webinar that will examine the principles of adaptive leadership and provide actionable strategies to effectively lead through change.

April 12 2024 at 11am CT

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Swing Bed! Part 3: Strategies to hardwire your Swing Bed program for success

Every hospital wants its Swing Bed program to be successful. So why do some programs struggle with staff or provider commitment, meeting regulatory requirements, or meeting goals for growth?

March 8 2024 at 11am CT

Everything you ever wanted to know about Swing Bed! Part 2: Beyond basics

This 60-minute webinar will build on Part 1 The Basics and focus on how to optimize the Swing bed patient experience from both a physical and psycho-social perspective.

February 9 2024 at 11am CT

Everything you ever wanted to know about Swing Bed! Part 1: The Basics – Meeting Swing Bed Regulatory Requirements

The regulatory requirements for Swing Beds in a Critical Access Hospital are published in State Operations Manual Appendix W and Appendix PP. Reimbursement rules are in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual Chapter 3, and Medicare Claims Processing Manuals Chapters 4 and 6. Admission and continued stay requirements are included in the Medicare Benefits Policy Manual Chapter 8.

January 18 2024 at 12pm CT

Care Coordination - What’s New in 2024 for Programs and Reimbursements?

The 2024 Physician Fee Schedules has changes for care coordination – specifically the addition of two more care coordination service lines, the focus on social determinants of health screening with reimbursement, and increased evaluation for behavioral health care coordination service lines. Join us for this Webinar to gain an overview of all of the new care coordination opportunities and receive a refresher on the elements of the various programs and service lines.

December 14 2023 at 12pm CT

Building Management and Leadership Skills in Healthcare: Where to begin and how to grow in your role

Great leaders are self-aware and strategic thinkers, they build trust and inspire others. Middle managers and staff members are often thrust into leadership roles without the training to develop and strengthen the skills needed to grow into great leaders. This webinar will provide an overview of the skills needed for management and leadership and introduce development opportunities through the new The HealthTech leadership course designed to close the knowledge and skill gap for existing managers and those aspiring to grow into management and leadership roles.

November 15, 2023 at 12pm CT

HR Recalibration

A story of overcoming recruitment and retention needs during a challenging time (i.e. COVID). How we did it - we unburied (HR was literally buried in paper), paused and provided permission; asked our teammates; packaged culture communication; redefined the entire compensation package, including benefits; created success paths; and HAD FUN. We were purposefully proactive, we were not programmed or time-lined, we were fueled by permission to re-think HR, our results were created by good team-based decisions.

October 13, 2023 at 12pm CT

Engaging department leaders to measure and improve productivity

Measuring department productivity is an essential component of hospital operations. Implementing a productivity system can Increase manager accountability for aligning staffing with volume.

September 15, 2023 at 12pm CT

The Swing Bed team - Working together to make a difference

Each member of the Swing Bed team including the provider, case manager, nursing, rehabilitation, dietary, pharmacy, patient and support staff must work together for a Swing Bed program to be successful. The webinar will identify barriers and discuss strategies to increase team engagement as well as improving patient outcomes.

August 16, 2023 at 12pm CT

Using individual talents for a more creative leadership

This webinar will discuss how integrating creativity into the soul of their organization from the very beginning will result in an increase in team performance, boost retention rates, increase flexibility, provide creative ways to problem solve. These days, creativity is vital to securing a competitive advantage in the healthcare leadership marketplace. We will discuss some types/styles of creativity and how it impacts performance, and ways to implement creative growth within their leaders.

August 3, 2023 at 12pm CT

Social Determinants of Health Part 2 – I’ve Screened, Now What?

Screening for Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) is an integral part of whole person care and beginning in 2024, CMS is asking providers to begin to add regular screening into their practice and report the process and results in their claims. Join us for this two-part series on social determinants of health to learn how to screen, what to do with the results, and how to take credit for the screening and assessments you perform.

July 20, 2023 at 12pm CT

Social Determinants of Health Part 1– Are you Ready for Screening Requirements?

Screening for Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) is an integral part of whole person care and beginning in 2024, CMS is asking providers to begin to add regular screening into their practice and report the process and results in their claims. Join us for this two-part series on social determinants of health to learn how to screen, what to do with the results, and how to take credit for the screening and assessments you perform.

June 16, 2023 at 12pm CT

How creativity drives advertising effectiveness for your hospital + Building a brand voice

How creativity can be accurately leveraged to create long term benefit for your hospital from a brand perspective. Plus, what's your brand voice? In confusing and ever-changing times, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you want to say it.

May 19, 2023 at 12pm CT

Part 2: Survey Hot Topics for Outpatient Care Settings and Rural Health Centers

In the second part of our series, Hot Topics for outpatient settings will be reviewed including: medication management, disinfection and high-level sterilization, staff competency, and Rural Health Center standards.

May 10, 2023 at 12pm CT

Improving Health System Operations – One Step At A Time

Operational Assessments pinpoint the internal strengths and weaknesses of healthcare organizations, as well as the external opportunities and threats. These assessments can provide a wealth of actionable in information for healthcare leaders to pursue to optimize the performance of their organization.

April 13, 2023 at 12pm CT

Part 1: Survey Hot Topics for Critical Access Hospitals

Maintaining compliance with the Conditions of Participation is the goal of every organization. The webinar will focus on survey hot topics and strategies for compliance including: Infection Control, High-Level Disinfection, Restraints, Staff competency, Medical Staff credentialing, National Patient Safety Goals, and the new TJC standards for diversity.

March 24, 2023 at 12pm CT

Choosing an EHR for your Hospital: A Roadmap

How to understand the needs of your hospital/practice when it comes to choosing an efficient EHR System, best practices for navigating the confusing process of selecting an EHR System, and what to look for/benefits of a quality EHR System.

March 10, 2023 at 12pm CT


The COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately proven to be fertile ground for compliance issues. Prosecuting fraud and abuse for inappropriate use of governmental funds continues to be a primary enforcement tool. This session will explore recent trends and discuss lessons learned to protect against the associated risks.

January 24, 2023 at 12pm CT

Swing Bed Certification Course Overview

HealthTech is offering two (2) Swing Bed Certification courses, Swing Bed Basics and Swing Bed Beyond Basics. Each course has a total of six modules and is designed to provide the elements of a successful Swing Bed program. The webinar will provide a brief overview of each module and how to sign up for the course.

January 11, 2023 at 12pm CT

Care Coordination - What’s New for 2023 for Programs and Reimbursements?

The 2023 Physician Fee Schedules has a few changes for care coordination – specifically there are some additional service lines available to providers and definitions have been updated and clarified. Join us for this Webinar to gain an overview of all of the care coordination opportunities and receive a refresher on the elements of the various programs and service lines. If you have not yet started your care coordination program – now is the time! If you are just looking for a refresher – either way - join us for this webinar

December 16, 2022 at 12pm CT

Navigating quality, risk, and compliance

Quality, Risk, and Compliance are independent programs that are designed to advance safety, increase availability, and improve outcomes. The lines between these three programs often become blurred leaving employees unsure of where to report concerns. This webinar brings the similarities and differences between these programs into focus thereby increasing incident reporting and improving the attainment of goals.

October 21, 2022 at 12pm CT

Strategies to grow your Swing Bed program

Almost every hospital has a goal of increasing Swing Bed volume. Volume depends on a variety of factors, some of which are under the hospital’s control and some which are not. The webinar will provide tools for how to complete a 360 degree assessment of your Swing Bed program and develop a comprehensive plan for growth. The webinar will discuss the importance of developing admission criteria, ensuring a timely response to referrals, managing length of stay and measuring outcomes.

October 6, 2022 at 12pm CT

Transitional Care Management: Where to begin and how to follow through to decrease readmissions

Transitional Care Management has been a misunderstood process. The goal of an effective TCM process is to ensure that patients being discharged from acute, skilled, or observation care are set up for success and avoid readmission. Hospitals are penalized for readmissions and primary care providers are rewarded with additional revenue to perform TCM services for 30 days. This apparent mismatch of the carrot and the stick has led to confusion on where TCM should begin and who is ultimately responsible to ensure an effect process.

September 23, 2022 at 12pm CT

Swing Bed challenges and how to overcome them

Although Swing Beds have been around for many years, hospitals continue to struggle with understanding and meeting the regulatory requirements. One of the reasons is that Swing Beds have regulatory requirements that are more closely aligned with care in a skilled nursing facility than acute care, and it can be hard for staff and providers to navigate the differences successfully.

September 9, 2022 at 12pm CT

Operational Assessment

Operational Assessments pinpoint the internal strengths and weaknesses of healthcare organizations, as well as the external opportunities and threats. Attendees will gain an understanding of the positive impact an operational assessment can have on the bottom line of healthcare organizations, and will become aware of what a high quality operational assessment should entail.

August 19, 2022 at 12pm CT

How to create an internal diversity recruiting program

The right internal recruiting program can be a very powerful tool to ensure equity at all levels. It can also be a very important aspect of retention. Your employees want to know that they can advance. Most often, when we think about the hiring process and increasing diversity, we seem to think of it only as an external experience with a focus on external candidate pools and hiring data. This webinar is to help to broaden the scope so those same policies, practices, and behaviors that increase diversity in the external hiring process also help ensure representation at higher levels within your workplace.

August 12, 2022 at 12pm CT

Maintaining compliance with Swing Bed regulatory requirements – Yes it’s possible

The regulatory requirements for Swing Bed are included in Appendix W (Critical Access Hospitals: February 2020), Appendix A (PPS Hospitals: February 2020), Appendix PP (Long Term Care Facilities: November 2017), and the Medicare Benefits Manual Chapter 8 (August 2021). Navigating the regulatory requirements can be challenging, but maintaining compliance can be even more so. The webinar will provide an overview of regulatory requirements from pre-admission thru discharge including applicable requirements in Appendix PP, and strategies for maintaining compliance.

June 16, 2022 at 12pm CT

Care Planning for Care Management Services: Using a Patient Centered Model

All care management services such as Chronic Care Management, Behavioral Health Integration, Principal Care Management, and Remote Physiological Monitoring all require some form of care planning. In these care management services; the key is to ensure that the care plan is patient centered and in patient friendly language.

June 10, 2022 at 12pm CT

Swing Bed: Evolution to Compliance

Ever wonder how the Swing Bed patient status came to be? Understanding the evolution of the program will lead to a better understanding of the program, improving compliance with CMS requirements. This webinar will look at the developmental timeline of Swing Bed status, the potential impact the status has on individuals, hospitals, and the community, and review regulatory requirements.

May 14, 2022 at 12pm CT

QAPI: The journey to excellence

May 14, 2022 at 12pm CT

Surveys are back: Hot topics & Continues survey readiness

May 12, 2022 at 12pm CT

Strategies for reducing readmissions to Swing Bed

Data, data, data – it is everywhere, but what do we do with it? Business Intelligence (BI) technology has made significant advances over the last few years, making it much easier and more practical to implement a BI platform in hospitals of all sizes. The value of implementing a BI platform creates significant value that is not available from the EHR platform.

April 21, 2022 at 12pm CT

Care Coordination – How to Use Principal Care Management in your Practice

The 2022 Physician Fee Schedules has expanded the opportunities for Principal Care Management. There have been increases in the reimbursements and additional time codes added for this service. Does the incorporation of Principal Care Management into your care coordination program allow you to enroll additional patients?

HealthTech Staffing
January 28, 2022 at 12pm CT

Compliance Risk Assessment: Are You Doing the Right Work?

Risk assessment is a key component of recent compliance program guidance from the OIG and DOJ. Using periodic risk assessment to develop work, audit, and education plans will help you to prioritize your compliance program activity.

March 25, 2022 at 12pm CT

Workplace Violence in Healthcare

Workplace violence in hospitals is a growing and serious problem. Healthcare workers have a much higher exposure rate than other industries to workplace violence that often results in injuries.

HealthTech Staffing June 16 Webinar
March 11, 2022 at 12pm CT

Rural Health Clinics: Meeting the Standards

The webinar will provide an overview of the regulatory standards for Rural Health Clinics Appendix G, which were last updated in February of 2020.

February 18, 2022 at 12pm CT

Strategies for Growing Your Swing Bed Program

Most Hospitals with a Swing Bed program are interested in increasing volume. So why is it so hard? Is it the competition? Internal systems? Lack of support by providers or staff? Lack of resources?

February 17, 2022 at 12pm CT

Care Coordination: What’s new in 2022 for programs and reimbursements?

January 28, 2022 at 12pm CT

Compliance Risk Assessment: Are you doing the right work?

January 13, 2022 at 12pm CT

CAH Financial Health: Strategies to boost your bottom line

January 07, 2022 at 12pm CT

Surveys Are Back: Hot Topics You Need to Know About

Surveyors are on the road again and conducting onsite surveys. Infection Control, of course, remains key.

November 5, 2021 at 12pm CT

Swing Bed Interpretative Guidelines: How To Navigate Appendix PP

The Swing Bed regulatory requirements do not have interpretative guidelines – and only refer to Appendix PP which are the standards for Long Term Care.

September 24, 2021 at 12pm CT

Swing Bed Requirements: Lifting the Fog

Although swing beds have been around for a long time, there continues to be confusion about how to meet swing bed regulatory requirements.

July 16, 2021 at 12pm CT

Life Safety Standards for Healthcare Business Occupancies

CMS and Joint Commission are expanding their accreditation life safety surveys to include hospital clinics and hospital-owned physician offices. In the past, nurse surveyors and sometimes physicians would visit those areas, but focused on infection control and patient care, with only a few minor recommendations related to the building.

May 21, 2021 at 12pm CT

Data Data Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink

The keys to a successful quality program are collecting, analyzing, and reporting data. The key questions to ask are: Is all the data being collected necessary? Are sample sizes appropriate? Most importantly, is the data making a difference in improving outcomes?

April 23, 2021 at 12pm CT

Swing Bed as a Service Line: Opportunity for Success

If we think about service lines, surgical services, cardiac services, trauma services, cancer services or pediatric services, may come to mind. But why not swing bed? For most rural hospitals, swing bed services provide a significant benefit to the community by providing skilled care close to home, and a significant revenue source for the hospital.

March 12, 2021 at 12pm CT

What’s Wrong with This Picture? Identifying Safety Risks in Your Hospital

Learn to identify safety issues from a former Joint Commission Life Safety Surveyor through pictures from surveys performed over the last 30 years. These pictures are from small and large medical facilities around the country and demonstrate the need to continually improve your hospital’s safety.

February 12, 2021 at 12pm CT

Swing into Winter: Understanding Swing Bed

Compliance with Swing Bed regulatory requirements continues to be a challenge for most organizations. The reasons are varied but often it has to do with staff difficulty in differentiating between an acute level of care and a skilled level of care. Other challenges may include the multi-disciplinary assessment, plan of care, and discharge requirements.

January 15, 2021 at 12pm CT

QAPI Tools – Tips and Tricks

The CMS deadline for Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) to implement a QAPI program is March 30, 2021. Even though CMS has not published the standards in the Conditions of Participation (CoPs), the deadline is fast approaching.

November 6, 2020 at 12pm CT

Keeping Your Swing Bed Program Survey-Ready

Keeping your swing bed program “survey ready” is every hospital’s goal. But, it can be difficult, especially with the recent changes in swing bed regulations that were released by CMS in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

July 24, 2020 at 12pm CT

Ask Carolyn – Your Swing Bed Questions Answered

Swing bed regulatory requirements continue to be confusing or difficult to implement for many hospitals. This occurs in part because the requirements for acute patients are different than those for a swing bed patient, including requirements for admission, assessment, care planning and discharge.

June 11, 2020 at 12pm CT

Your Swing Bed Program – It Takes A Village

The Social Security Act permits certain small, rural hospitals to enter into a swing bed agreement under which the hospital or critical access hospital (CAH) can use its beds, as needed, to provide either acute or skilled nursing care. Medicare Part A, the hospital insurance program, covers post-hospital extended care services furnished in a swing bed.

April 14, 2020 at 12pm CT

The Swing Bed Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) and Understanding the Importance of MDS v1.17

Recent reimbursement methodology changes have a focused point of importance but none more than the relationship of active diagnoses, which affects both admission decisions and services provided.

January 24, 2020 at 12pm CT

Swing Bed Regulatory Requirements Revised – Again!

On September 30, 2019, CMS issued major regulatory changes for hospitals and critical access hospitals, the majority of which were effective the end of November. The new regulations include changes to the swing bed regulatory requirements, including elimination of the requirement for an activities assessment by a qualified professional.

October 4, 2019 at 12pm CT

Your Swing Bed Questions Answered

We provided a webinar last year that focused on recurring questions about swing bed. So, back by popular demand, an updated edition of “Just the Questions”.

September 6, 2019 at 12pm CT

Swing Bed 101

HealthTechS3 has provided numerous swing bed webinars over the last several years. For this webinar we’re going “back to basics.”

July 12, 2019 at 12:00 pm CT

Using the Concepts of Lean to Improve Swing Bed Documentation

May 3, 2019 at 12 pm CT

Swing Bed Series Part 2 Implementing Trauma-Informed Care

The revisions to Swing Bed regulatory requirements in October of 2018 required the implementation of Trauma-Informed care.

April 5, 2019 at 12 pm CT

Swing Bed Series Part 1 Improve Your Swing Bed Program One Step At A Time

The first of our two-part series will focus on ways to improve your swing bed program from both the organization and resident’s perspective.


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